Women’s goat project at cadet

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Women’s goat project at cadet
John Carter
May 20, 2022

We offer each newly established Talia Farms cooperative the opportunity to participate in the Women's Goat Project.

The CAMA cooperative opted to do so and received 18 goats. Now, its herd has 30 goats. Next year, it will have between 50 and 60 goats. Each consecutive year, the local herd can be expected to increase by 40%-60%.

Goats are considered to be a "four-legged savings account” for families living in poverty who cannot open a bank account. When families own goats and a major financial need arises - a wedding, a serious illness, or urgent farm repairs  - they can sell a goat and cover those expenses without owing money to a loan shark or being forced to sell parts of their land.  Those who participate, significantly strengthen their financial stability.